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bandu2 : menu_arrow.gif Artikolu: Live behind closed doors - 18/08/2010 03:05


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Live behind closed doors, not saying do tall ugg bottes not go to work to buy food, is not Hongxingchuqiang, and do not love affairs, not to catch the wind to lead into a butterfly or a weasel.zfm                  

bandu2 : menu_arrow.gif Artikolu: Do not know treasure can treasure - 18/08/2010 03:06


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Senior, easily have been a good friend to me as his strong pro-sister to love, when he was chasing me, for fear of losing ugg on sale a good friend again, I promised, in May 1. He was my first boyfriend. But a year later, strongly said to me: "You have only when I was your big brother, never thought that after I was your boyfriend I do not see your heart I had sacs main any sense." Maybe I was too childish also maybe I was too naive.He said a year ago, on April 22, Yi was killed in Australia because of traffic - because of drink driving. Lie did not tell me because they think that because this Gray Wolf spring year I promised him not to pursue. He also told me that easily never liked that girl, and I never catch her, he likes me. That day I was trapped on the third floor of the Student Union, and my classmates thought I was home, only easy to find my predicament. He has more than once with the strong, said he Aaliyah liked me, but he did not want to destroy my innocent and naive, he was just protecting me, see me happy, he happy.zfm

bandu2 : menu_arrow.gif Artikolu: Hostel was quiet - 18/08/2010 03:06


Hostel was quiet, sitting in front lamp, read their own language. Text a little hard astringent, but a record of my growth. sacs mains Stop and think about, can not help but sigh a good time too fast. My freshman year living unconsciously nearing ,08-09 school year that's passed quietly. Careful retrospect, this year's life is like a loss in progress, boring. Lone waterproof jackets in the desert like a tired warrior, looking for a legendary oasis that curved, lonely and tired. Once the blood has become solidified, the passion has gone. Will be only a breathing body, continue with their lives. We was young, the life history girls fleece jacket of this gorgeous scene. At the time of the flood, lost self. I used to stay up late nights, also used to make time to play from my phone between the fingers slip. People ah, emptiness, the inevitable nostalgia. That enrich the lives of high school nostalgia, memorable bits and pieces that have.

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Flashing neon lights in the numerous night time I ran aground, stranding the memory of my youth has stalled. Life is like a cup of coffee, added sugar, bittersweet. Often at night dormitory and saw a street vendor at the gate people, more fleece jackets hearts are filled with a moving, a tribute to them. Their dedication to life inspired me. Perhaps the familiar cries of the future will become our mantra. I do not ask for life extremely gorgeous, but to plain truth, the real self-exciting. I am very envious dandelion in the wind, beneath the bitter of the catkins. Their life is my expectations of care. Haijiaotianya, Mango ice' blog over their footsteps, in a strange soil, sprouting flowers. Perhaps this is the essence of life.

Sometimes feel like a leaf drifting in the sea on a boat. No matter what direction the wind, can change my path. Sailing aimlessly in the confused sea. Only a desolate time, the world of my youth. On the ideal, seems to have become a distant dream. OK, but untrue, to achieve great Quenan. Just now, faded away in the back of it.  End of the World on the road, maybe there is no end. Off, do not ask the last? I only trials and Paper flower hardships, all the way north, through the dead to be a visitor. When I stop, give yourself a warm blessing, a brilliant smile. Record my feelings in words, using pen sketch of my life, with memories of good times over the past collections. Wandering on the road, With a grateful heart, with a curious eye to appreciate the world. The students also suffice!zfm      

bandu2 : menu_arrow.gif Artikolu: Wife of the last message - 18/08/2010 03:06


His wife is a small tail, I go where she should be asked. I am tired, but she never tired. However, this small point, but in that kamas of the heavy rain the night lost forever ... ...

I feel very sad, heart full of guilt and pain, I can not forgive his own.

Wedding day, my wife used the money to buy a ring I bought a cell phone. That night, the two of us over and over in bed with the phone ringing debugging. We feel that life is like this ringtone, loud, sweet, full dofus kamas of longing and hope. From that day on, I often received her phone: "My husband, home from work to buy a la carte." "Husband, I want you, I love you,." "Husband, her mother went home to eat at night." My heart is warm. Once, I forgot to charge their cell phones, they just accompany the leadership to the grassroots dofus kama level, entertaining to the middle of the night to get back home, opened the door for a look, I found my wife had her eyes red from crying. Original work from the time I started, she hit a telephone every quarter of an hour, I do not in the service area. More anxious wife, always thought that something happens, then every 10 minutes playing time, until I open kamas de dofus the door, she just had the microphone down. My wife fuss disapproval: "I am not a child, but also anything about love?" Said his wife had a premonition, that I do not answer the phone will not come back, I patted his wife's head and smiled: "fool ! "However, since then I have not forgotten the time to charge their cell phones.Then I rose up the post of money, dofus buy cell phone to several. Suddenly one day, I think owes wife the ring, he excitedly pulled her to go to commercial. But she hesitated and said: "platinum diamond ring set in what fingers to use ah? Buy me a cell phone please? I can always touch with you." So I bought her a cell phone.

Day one in our bedroom, a living room, send a short message each other, have a good time great.

One night, my colleagues and to play cards with friends, are playing in Hing head, his wife called the phone: "Where are you? achat dofus How not to go home?" "I have colleagues at home playing cards." "When did you come back ? "" it for yourself. "lose to win, win lose, my wife's phone call again and again. Outside it began to rain, his wife's phone rang again: "Where are you? Doing? Soon come back!" "Did not tell you? My colleagues at home achat kamas to play, the next big rain so how do I go back!" "Then you tell me where you are, I'll pick you! "" No! "playing cards with friends all laughed at me," his wife strict control ", angrily, I put my hand authority of the.

At dawn, I lose too empty-handed, a friend sent me home with a car, locked the door unexpectedly, his wife was not home. Just then, the phone acheter des kamas rang, a call from my mother, side of the phone cried and said: She came out late at night Maozhao Yu, riding a bike, take an umbrella to go home to find my colleague, went to a another one, way out the accident, did not wake up.

I open the phone, saw the top one unread message: "You forgot it? Today is our wedding anniversary, saying Yeah! I find you, not run, I took my umbrella!" She walks in looking for me the way, never woke up again. I burst acheter kamas into tears, again and again looked at the message, I think that one night I lost the entire world. Wife's death has been 3 months, but I still can not wake up from a nightmare, I do not want to work, the whole say depression malaise, and a second thought to accompany her away.zfm